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Refereed Publications

Exporter's productivity and the cash-in-advance payment: Transaction-level analysis of Turkish textile and clothing exports

Kemal Türkcan, Yushi Yoshida and Taiyo Yoshimi


Open Economies Review, published online (February)

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Tariff rates in gravity

Kazunobu Hayakawa and Taiyo Yoshimi


The Journal of International Trade & Economic Development, published online (November)

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Quantifying the costs of utilizing regional trade agreements

Kazunobu Hayakawa, Naoto Jinji, Nuttawut Laksanapanyakul, Toshiyuki Matsuura and Taiyo Yoshimi


The World Economy, Vol.46, Iss.12 (December): 3542-3570

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Firm-level utilization rates of regional trade agreements: Importers' perspective

Kazunobu Hayakawa, Nuttawut Laksanapanyakul and Taiyo Yoshimi


Journal of Asian Economics, Vol.86, 101610 (June)

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The Balassa-Samuelson model with job separations

Noel Gaston and Taiyo Yoshimi


Japan & The World Economy, Vol.65, 101172 (March)

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The effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on South Korea's stock market and exchange rate

Takeshi Hoshikawa and Taiyo Yoshimi


The Developing Economies, Vol.59, Iss.2 (June): 206-222

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Tariff scheme choice

Kazunobu Hayakawa, Nuttawut Laksanapanyakul and Taiyo Yoshimi


Review of World Economics, Vol.157, Iss.2 (May): 323-346

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How does import processing time impact export patterns?

Kazunobu Hayakawa, Nuttawut Laksanapanyakul and Taiyo Yoshimi


The World Economy, Vol.42, Iss.7 (July): 2070-2088

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Choosing between multiple preferential tariff schemes: Evidence from Japan's imports

Kazunobu Hayakawa, Shujiro Urata and Taiyo Yoshimi


Review of International Economics, Vol.27, Iss.2 (May): 578-593

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Exchange rate pass-through at the individual product level: Implications for financial market integration

Kai Po Jenny Law, Eiji Satoh and Taiyo Yoshimi


North American Journal of Economics and Finance, Vol.46 (November): 261-271

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Exchange rate and utilization of free trade agreements: Focus on rules of origin

Kazunobu Hayakawa, Han-Sung Kim and Taiyo Yoshimi


Journal of International Money and Finance, Vol.75 (July): 93-108

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Welfare implications of currency integration: Labor mobility and pricing-to-market

Taiyo Yoshimi


Global Economic Review, Vol.45, No.1 (February): 78-96

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Macroeconomic dynamics in a model with heterogeneous wage contracts

Muneya Matsui and Taiyo Yoshimi


Economic Modelling, Vol.49 (September): 72-80

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Lending rate spread shock and monetary policy arrangements: A small open economy model for ASEAN countries

Taiyo Yoshimi


Asian Economic Journal, Vol.28, No.1 (March): 19-39

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Currency integration under labor mobility: When cost is incurred

Taiyo Yoshimi


Journal of Economic Integration, Vol.29, No.1 (March): 188-209

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Heterogeneity in wage rigidity and monetary policy

Muneya Matsui and Taiyo Yoshimi


Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research, vol.2, issue 2 (July): 489-520

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Analysis on β and σ convergences of East Asian currencies

Eiji Ogawa and Taiyo Yoshimi


International Journal of Intelligent Technologies and Applied Statistics, vol.3, No.2 (June): 235-261

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The effects of financial integration on structural similarity: Consumption risk-sharing and specialization

Taiyo Yoshimi


The International Economy, No.13 (November): 50-64

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Recent Working Papers

A test of dominant currency hypothesis: Evidence from a non-USD-non-Euro country

Yushi Yoshida, Takatoshi Ito, Junko Shimizu, Kiyotaka Sato, Taiyo Yoshimi and Uraku Yoshimoto


NBER Working Paper, No.33454 (February)

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Invoicing currency and exchange rate pass-through in Japanese imports: A panel VAR analysis

Taiyo Yoshimi, Uraku Yoshimoto, Takatoshi Ito, Kiyotaka Sato, Junko Shimizu and Yushi Yoshida


NBER Working Paper, No.32910 (September)

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Invoice currency choice and its determinants in Japanese trade: New evidence from Japanese customs data

Shimizu, Junko, Kiyotaka Sato, Takatoshi Ito, Yushi Yoshida, Taiyo Yoshimi and Uraku Yoshimoto


PRI Discussion Paper, No.24A-02 (August)

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Economies of scale in raw milk production: Evidence from Japanese farm-level data

Ayano Sato, Taiyo Yoshimi and Takatoshi Ito


IERCU Discussion Paper No.402 (May)

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Payment method and invoicing currency: Evidence from Turkish textile and clothing exports

Kemal Türkcan, Yushi Yoshida and Taiyo Yoshimi


Available at Research Square (May)

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Invoicing currency choice: Strategic complementarities and currency matching

Yushi Yoshida, Junko Shimizu, Takatoshi Ito, Kiyotaka Sato, Taiyo Yoshimi and Uraku Yoshimoto


NBER Working Paper, No.32276 (March)

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Export dynamics and invoicing currency

Kazunobu Hayakawa, Nuttawut Laksanapanyakul, Toshiyuki Matsuura and Taiyo Yoshimi


KeioIES Discussion Paper Series, DP2024-005 (March)

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Invoice currency choice in intra-firm trade: A transaction-level analysis of Japanese automobile exports

Taiyo Yoshimi, Uraku Yoshimoto, Kiyotaka Sato, Takatoshi Ito, Junko Shimizu and Yushi Yoshida


NBER Working Paper, No.32142 (February)

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Export experience and the choice of invoice currency: Evidence from a questionnaire survey of Japanese SMEs

Mizuki Goto, Kazunobu Hayakawa, Satoshi Koibuchi and Taiyo Yoshimi


Available at SSRN (December)

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Cash-in-advance payments and transaction size: Cash-constrained importers

Yushi Yoshida, Kemal Türkcan and Taiyo Yoshimi


RIETI Discussion Paper, 22-E-051 (May)

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Invoice currency choice under financial constraints and bargaining: Evidence from Japanese SMEs

Mizuki Goto, Kazunobu Hayakawa, Satoshi Koibuchi and Taiyo Yoshimi


RIETI Discussion Paper, 21-E-080 (October)

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The dollar, the yen, or the RMB? A survey data analysis of invoicing currencies among Japanese overseas subsidiaries

Takatoshi Ito, Satoshi Koibuchi, Kiyotaka Sato, Junko Shimizu and Taiyo Yoshimi


RIETI Discussion Paper, 21-E-016 (March)

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